Sunday, February 20, 2011

AIX 5.3 - The parameter or environment lists are too long

Example Error:
pg@ibmhost: files/$ ls -ltr /data/params_backup/files/*.env
bash: /usr/bin/ls: The parameter or environment lists are too long.

Explanation: NCARGS value is one of the scheduler and memory load control parameter to tune system memory. The value of NCARGS can be increased to overcome this problem. The value can be tuned anywhere within the range of 24576 to 524288 in 4 KB page size increments.

To display and update ncargs value, use the following command.

Purpose: Specifies the maximum allowable size of the ARG/ENV list (in 4KB blocks) when running exec() subroutines.

Values: Default: 6; Range: 6 to 128 (6=24576, 128=524288)

Display: lsattr -E -l sys0 -a ncargs
Change: chdev -l sys0 -a ncargs=NewValue

Change takes effect immediately and is preserved over boot.

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