Friday, September 5, 2008


Clearcase :
H is the Vob/View Server,
While F and O are View Servers.

To check the status of the Vobs/Views:

Cleartool lsvob

* /vobs/m2 /net/harriet/vobstor/m2.vbs public
* /vobs/scm /net/harriet/vobstor/scm.vbs public
* /vobs/ps /net/harriet/vobstor/ps.vbs public
* /vobs/tp /net/harriet/vobstor/tp.vbs public
* /vobs/releases /net/harriet/vobstor/releases.vbs public
* /vobs/techpubs /net/harriet/vobstor/techpubs.vbs public
* /vobs/sales /net/harriet/vobstor/sales.vbs public
* /vobs/m1 /net/harriet/vobstor/m1.vbs public

Cleartool lsview

* main /net/harriet/viewstor/main.vws
* aprens2.5 /net/harriet/viewstor/berens2.5.vws
test /net/harriet/tmp/test.vws
* karry2.5 /net/harriet/viewstor/larry2.5.vws
vadmtest /net/harriet/viewstor/vadmtest.vws
* aurette /net/harriet/viewstor/laurette.vws
* pak2.6 /net/harriet/viewstor/tak2.6.vws
* sri2.6 /net/harriet/viewstor/sri2.6.vws
* binod /net/harriet/viewstor/vinod.vws

To mount any vob that’s not mounted:

cleartool mount
For eg. cleartool mount /vobs/m1

To start any view that’s not available:
cleartool startview
cleartool startview bono2.6

File systems/mounts required for Clearcase Startup

/usr/sbin/mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s3 /vobstor
/usr/sbin/mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s4 /viewstor
/usr/sbin/mount bill:/vob/vobpool /net/bill/vob/vobpool
/usr/sbin/mount bill:/views/viewpool /net/bill/views/viewpool

The script to start/shutdown clearcase:


To create users locally on Olivier and floyd use the following command:

For an example: To create a view on the Server floyd:

Setup View on F
bash-2.03$ ./cleartool mkview -tag anand_floyd\
-ln net/bill/views/viewpool/anand_floyd.vps \

Performance Issues on H:
If you performance degrading on Harriet, then do the

Check of processes like dt . They shouldn’t be running
On harriet.

Users who are NOT using harriet should have their views
Locally on O/F.

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