Monday, August 25, 2008

Opentext Artesia installation

Base Installation:
Make sure you read the Artesia 68 instllation guide before you proceed

upload Artesia_DAM_6.8_Sol.iso to /public
# lofiadm -a /public/artesia/Artesia_DAM_6.8_Sol.iso

# mkdir /mnt/cd
# mount -o ro -f hsfs /dev/lofi/1 /mnt/cd

install oracle client - select administrator option

make sure you tnsnames.ora configured which points to the right DB

Also make sure lsnrctl is running on the DB server

create artesia user and make in part of dam group
# export ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/product/10.2.0/Db_1

Add ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_HOME/bin and LD_LIBRARY_PATH in artesia user account

check the connectivity with the ORACLE SID using artesia user

change permission on /opt/artesia as artesia:dam

# cd /mnt/cd/disk1/instdata/vm

start installation as artesia user

artesia$ ./install.bin
try always doing as console install
artesia$ ./install.bin -i console -f artesia-config.txt

Resolving LLDS issues:
#1. make sure you install artesia direcly login to the server as artesia, no sudo to artesia
#2. after installation, make you source .profile again or re-login as artesia
#3. make iodbctest works with your DSN name
#4. also change /opt/artesia/Search/Spider/config/DSN.ini to point to your DSN
#5. make sure /opt/artesia/install/ant/build.cfg poitns to the correct DSN
#6. also check in .profile or .bash_profile it runs

Resolving classpath issue:
#1. /opt/artesia/jboss/server/teams/conf/jboss-service.xml
#2. /etc/system has these lines to set ulimit parameters
set rlim_fd_max=1024
set rlim_fd_cur=1024

Default login

LLDS url

sqlplus artesia/artesia@xxxx
and run these scripts.

sh /home/artesia/builds/deploy.metadata.sql
(you may have set set escape \ while running @PopulateMD.sql)

sh /home/artesia/builds/deploy.transformer.sql
sh /home/artesia/builds/deploy.phase1.sql

Run llds database
sh /home/artesia/builds/

Run ant customization and mkdir commands
sh /home/artesia/builds/
sh /home/artesia/builds/

make sure the /usr/sfw/bin is in the path

start the app:
sh bin/ start

create this user
login-name: hotExporter
login-pass: hotExporter


Artesia Env Variables:

Artesia start and stop: start stop

LLDS start and stop

Using crypt for LDAP authentication:
/home/artesia/artesia68/bin/ e ?5s-sH_FYi
User ID: $svc-mdcldap
path: ou=ServiceAccounts,ou=SpecialAccounts,ou=_PankajGautam,dc=pankajgautam,dc=com
PW: ?5s-sH_FYi (Question Five Sierra Dash Sierra Hotel Underscore Foxtrot Yankee India )

Tresource syntax:

LDAP authentication:
- First read artesia security configuration section in Artesia Integrators guide

cd $TEAMS_HOME/install/ant
run ant enable-ldap-synchronization

Make sure you update tresource file according to your environment


Artesia repository
$TEAMS_HOME/data/repository-default but it configurable
Artesia server configuration file

Log clean ups

log file

Log levels
app log level
set grep DEBUG

JBoss log level

JBoss high availability configuration
have we tested that
who has done this configuration

Artesia Tools and Utils

Artesia Processes
brsnetd.exe - 1 (LLDS process)
llspider.exe - 1
perl.exe - 5
sulu.exe -2

LDAP configuration command:
ldapclient manual \
-a credentialLevel=proxy \
-a authenticationMethod=simple \
-a proxyDN=cn=ldap,cn=Users,dc=domain,dc=fds \
-a proxyPassword=xxxxx \
-a defaultSearchBase=dc=domain,dc=dom \
-a \
-a defaultServerList=ldap.domain.fds \
-a attributeMap=group:userpassword=userPassword \
-a attributeMap=group:memberuid=memberUid \
-a attributeMap=group:gidnumber=gidNumber \
-a attributeMap=passwd:gecos=cn \
-a attributeMap=passwd:gidnumber=gidNumber \
-a attributeMap=passwd:uidnumber=uidNumber \
-a attributeMap=passwd:homedirectory=unixHomeDirectory \
-a attributeMap=passwd:loginshell=loginShell \
-a attributeMap=shadow:shadowflag=shadowFlag \
-a attributeMap=shadow:userpassword=userPassword \
-a objectClassMap=group:posixGroup=group \
-a objectClassMap=passwd:posixAccount=user \
-a objectClassMap=shadow:shadowAccount=user \
-a serviceSearchDescriptor=passwd:dc=domain,dc=com?sub \
-a serviceSearchDescriptor=group:dc=domain,dc=com?sub

ldapsearch -h ldap.domain.fds -b "cn=users,dc=domain,dc=com" -o mech=gssapi -o authzid='' "cn=Pankaj Gautam"

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